What are people saying?
Solomon Exam Prep is the "go-to" study guide for any busy professional in our industry. Extraordinary customer service and responses to your questions via email. Excellent flow of subjects, quizzes, test and audiobooks for on-demand refresh. Don't settle for any other test platform for our industry. The goal is to pass the test and they have the staff and platform to help you achieve your goal.
Robert Jones, US Capital Global. San Francisco, CA
I utilized the Solomon SIE and Series 6 Top-Off study guide package.
I passed on the first time by following the exact recommendations. While the test is different than the study exam questions it covers the content in a detailed way preparing you to successfully pass the exam. Great product and customer service!
Michael Gehrich, Allstate Insurance, Ft Myers, FL
When I took my SIE exam, I only spent 30 minutes taking the exam and I passed. It is amazing how Solomon goes into detail regarding information. You guys provide more information than Kaplan's SIE book. Thank you so much for helping me succeed in my endeavors. Onward and upward to the Series 7. I'm choosing Solomon again!
Zach Sloan, Cambridge Investment Research, Fairfield, IA
Wow!!! Well all I can say is that Solomon Test Prep not only helped me pass the SIE first time but ensured I felt confident about the test beforehand! I will say that the practice tests are definitely harder than the real thing so if your probability passing is over 70% you are good to go! Thanks Solomon!
Lee Schmidt, Thiesen and Dueker Financial Group. Fresno, CA.
I only used the exam simulator and it was the best decision I made! I read a different textbook and used Solomon solely for test prep questions. I promise you the $70 or so this cost is 100% worth it. Every question that I got on my exam (May 2020) was related to all the questions asked in the Solomon exam simulator. If you are willing to put in the work and take all of the chapter quizzes and then take 5 each of the time/not timed exams you will pass. Another good thing is that you can download their app and take exams on your phone - I found this very useful when I didn't want to always be on my laptop all day.
Nick Sciortino, Barrington, NJ
I'm not the best test taker. Solomon changed that. I was struggling on the quizzes and practice test. However, I passed the SIE on the first try. Took me less than one hour to complete. I felt very prepared.
Lamar Barnes, Washington D.C.
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