Answer true or false.
- 1. _____ A bond’s coupon rate depends on the creditworthiness of the issuer.
- 2. _____ A ratings agency is hired by a potential investor, a transfer agent, or a broker/dealer to assess the creditworthiness of a bond issue.
- 3. _____ Bearer bonds are registered to a specific owner—the bearer—making them undesirable to tax cheats.
- 4. _____ When book-entry bonds are held in street name, the beneficial owner is the broker-dealer.
- 5. _____ If two bonds are comparable, but one has a call feature and the other has a put feature, the bond with call feature will probably have a higher coupon rate.
- 1. True. The coupon rate depends on the creditworthiness of the bond, which depends on the creditworthiness of the issuer. An issuer with a strong credit rating will be able to borrow at a lower rate than an issuer with a poor credit rating. R